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A+A 2023

wir sind dabei und freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch in Halle 09 / Stand E04

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Åse Rydh - Medarbetare

Åse Rydh har arbetat på Sundström sedan 2004 alt 2006. Hon började som montör och daglig styrning i partikelfilterhallen och har därefter arbetat som inköpare. Idag arbetar hon som Ekonomiassistent och vi ska ställa några frågor till henne. Traniee tjänst i 1,5år.

Hur skulle du beskriva din vardag på jobbet med 3 ord?
Fakturahantering, bevakar och bokför inbetalningar och hantering av leasingbilar 

Vad är viktigast för dig för att du ska trivas på jobbet?
Goda relationer, utveckling och ansvar 

Varför tycker du att Sundström är en bra arbetsgivare?
Bra arbetsmiljö, ”tryggt” och flexibla vid t ex föräldraledighet  

Pest eller kolera: aldrig mer få vistas inomhus eller utomhus?
Inomhus, vill jag vara eftersom det regnar en del i detta landet 😉 


Welding Shield SR 574

The SR 574 welding shield attachment is a modern, innovative product for our appreciated SR 570, designed and deve­loped based on the needs and require­ ments from the market.The SR 574 welding shield attachment is a modern, innovative product for our appreciated SR 570, designed and deve­loped based on the needs and require­ments from the market.

SR 574

Extended Warranty on your Powered Air Purifying Respirator

Servicing your powered air purifying respirator will enable you to extend the warranty up to 5 years or 5000 running hours. Whichever happens first. Your yearly service ensures that your powered air purifying respirator is kept in good working condition. Overall, regular servicing of your fan unit can help ensure its optimal performance, increase its lifespan, and keep you breathing year, after year.

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A Sustainable Company with Focus on People and Environment

Our sustainability work is based on five strategic sustainability areas, which we call focus areas. Here we take into account the entire value chain, from supplier to customer.


We Design and Manufacture World-Class Respiratory Protective Equipment

Sundström Safety protects people from contaminated air. Our aim is to always design and manufacture the best and most comfortable respiratory protection equipment on the market.

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Knowledge Centre

Construction Dust

Many professions may be exposed to construction dust in a construction environment. Anyone who inhales construction dust should be aware of the health risks this may cause.

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Customer Service

Do you need help choosing the right one, we are here for you all the way.


FABTECH | Chicago, Illinois, US

"When it comes to metal forming, fabricating, welding, and finishing, FABTECH is the only event that makes it possible to see it all together. This is where you’ll find the latest in manufacturing equipment."test

FABTECH | Chicago, Illinois, US

Florida Chamber Safety Conference | Orlando, Florida, US

"An incubator of research, leadership, and education, the Florida Chamber Safety Council is a one-stop platform to help Florida employers develop employee-driven programs that empower personal accountability for workplace safety and health."

Florida Chamber Safety Conference | Orlando, Florida, US