At the core of our business are these three values: Openness, Clarity and Respect. They permeate the workplace and communication throughout the organization and are closely linked to our sustainability work.
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Sundström Safety has contributed to protecting and improving people’s health for almost 100 years. By actively working to develop and enhance sustainability, we also improve environmental and climate impact, working conditions and a cleaner business model with respect for human rights. The core of our sustainability work are our values: Openness, Clarity and Respect.
In 2020, we conducted a pre study regarding sustainability. Central to our investigations are our values and Code of Conduct, which emphasise the importance of respecting and following the UN’s 10 principles on human rights, labour law, the environment and anti-corruption.
As part of the pre study, an analysis of the current situation was also made, this was based on the UN Global Compact´s ten principles. Through the analysis five focus areas were identified. These areas now form the basis for our future strategic sustainability work and set goals.
Our five focus areas are linked to the UN’s global goals.
Our values are the foundation of our sustainability work and guide us in our decisions and how we work. They create security and make us focus on issues that are important to us.
In 2015, the UN adopted a new agenda to steer towards sustainable development before the year 2030; this led to the creation of 17 Global goals. The business community has a crucial role in the work of achieving the goals. Sundström identified five goals that are more significant and important for our business and strategic direction.
Everyone can contribute to attaining these goals, but Sundström Safety’s emphasis is on the following.
Our five focus areas are: Staff & health, Sustainable purchasing, Sustainable products, reducing Environmental impact and social responsibility. These are presented as a sustainability wheel with our values at its center.
At the core of our business are these three values: Openness, Clarity and Respect. They permeate the workplace and communication throughout the organization and are closely linked to our sustainability work.
Our employees are one of the company’s most important resources and contribute to the company’s growth and success. Their well-being is one of the key elements for a sustainable workplace. We focus on a good working environment where discrimination and special treatment must not occur. Everyone who works with us should feel safe, involved and respected.
We strive for long-term sustainable relationships with our suppliers. As part of reducing our environmental impact, we choose suppliers geographically close to us. Sustainability can be achieved together through proactive collaborations, clear expectations, and effective follow-ups.
In our Code of Conduct, we emphasise the importance of following UN guidelines. The collaboration with our suppliers is based on the same values.I vår Code of Conduct framhåller vi vikten av att följa FN:s riktlinjer. Samarbetet med våra leverantörer bygger på samma värderingar.
Since we were founded in 1926, our philosophy has been to offer our customers sustainable and highly protective products. The choice of materials in our products makes them usable for a longer period of time. Many of the products are compatible with each other and can be combined with various accessories to offer enhanced total system compatibility. This lengthens product lifespan and subsequently reduces our environmental footprint.
Our goal is to reduce our environmental impact. We already take this into account in the development stage of products. Appropriate material choices are made, which then follow the entire process flow through our organisation. We actively work to streamline our waste management. In our production facility, we only use renewable and eco-labelled electricity. The transport companies we work with have already greatly reduced their climate impact, which contributes to reduced environmental emissions.
Protecting people’s lives and health has always been our main driving force. This commitment extends beyond just protecting people with our products. The company’s sustainability work is clearly linked to our community involvement. Part of our social responsibility takes place through sponsorship where we want to reach broad groups in society, such as organizations and associations. The sponsorship projects must have an explicit value and a clear community involvement, which corresponds with ours. It is important that there is an implemented plan for gender equality and equal treatment.
Våra fem fokusområden är; Personal & hälsa, Hållbara inköp, Hållbara produkter, Minska miljöpåverkan och Vårt samhällsengagemang. De presenteras som ett hållbarhetshjul med vår värdegrund i centrum. Våra fem fokusområden är sammankopplade mot FN:s globala mål.T